Wiki Group
Design MVP for a payment app
KiwiPay provides payment solutions between foreign tourists and local business owners, applying technology (QR code).
Team member
Ngoc Truong
Design Lead
Ly Nguyen
Product designer
KiwiPay is a promising Lao-based fin-tech startup, provides SMEs with safe and innovative solutions through QR code and face scanning. Late in 2019, KiwiPay announced their plan to launch in several SEA and African countries. KiwiPay's mission is to provide safe and innovative payment solutions for foreigners, using their current payment gateways.

Within two weeks of intensive designing, evaluating and testing, Dwarves Design helped KiwiPay set the seal on a new MVP, ready for development and market validation.
Lower than $10,000
Project timeline
The challenges
The challenge of KiwiPay was designing a product that solves the payment problems of foreigners in a limitation of time and resources.
Our scrop
UX Research
UX Design
UI Design
Key contributions
UX Research
UX Flow
User Interface Design
Micro Interaction
The team
1 Design Lead
1 Product Designer
UX - 1 week
UI - 1,2 week
Research and analyze the target user's demographic & behavior.
Evaluate solution
Evaluate solutions to define the most viable feature.
Simple flow & UI
Simplify flow to reduce development effort
Interactive protoype
Make prototype rapidly for market validation.
Realizing the difficulty of Chinese tourists in Laos and local merchandises in paying and receiving foreign currency, our client - KiwiGroup, came up with several ideas that could solve that problem and develop them into a business opportunity.
Li Wei, 40, foreign traveler
Li Wei is an officer living in Guangzhou, China. He often travels abroad with his family on vacations. He likes local food and often buys souvenirs for his colleague.
Exchange foreign currency before traveling.
Exchange rate is pretty high.
Hard to communicate because of language boundary.
Kawena Ornpaeng, 34, local
shop owner
Kawena Ornpaeng is a traditional clothing shop owner in Vientiane. She sells goods to many tourists who want to buy traditional fabrics for souvenirs.
Inconvenient to exchange foreign currencies.
Exchange currencies make it's hard to check business result.
Hard to communicate because of language boundary.
Formulation of the problem
Li Wei, Chinesse traveler, who often goes abroad, ues national payment gateway frequently.
Problem Scenario
It's complicated to compare the exchange rate and purchase foreign currency before traveling
He often uses an international payment method (Visa), but the rate is pretty high.
Valie Proposition
Offering an easy and affordable cashless payment solution using a mobile phone.
Key Assumption
There are many Chinese travelers in Laos. People like the persona above exist and have a habit of using payment application on their mobile. So, we provide a solution that helps them to make transactions without changing their payment methods.
We develop an app that integrates the most popular payment gateways in China and generates QR codes. So Chinese travelers can scan and pay using their daily payment app. Then we conduct testing on some local businesses and see if the solution could solve the existing problem.
Validation criteria
Do we find interesting merchandise? Is the solution fit for both travelers and merchandises' owners? Does the app help them to make the transaction in a much easier and more convenient way.
Simple flow & Wireframe
To reduce the development cost and release an MVP in a limited time, we had to make the most simple flow for the user to accomplish their goals.
QR code
Easy and simple way to log in by Google and Apple, with featured value on the onboarding screens.
Connect to Store
Connect to store by the token provided via email, and get feedback instantly.
Generate QR code
KiwiPay integrates the most popular payment gateways in China. At the begining, users (local business owners) select a gateway, input the amount and create a QR code.

Scan QR coding

Payers can process payment easily, using their familiar payment method, without any exchange currency and language boundary.
Transaction history
After conducting a quick testing around Laos, we learned that local store owners were interested in the generating QR code solution. Besides, they also requested an add-on feature, view transaction history to check their business results.
Growth opportunity
KiwiPay provides payment solutions between foreign tourists and local business owners, applying technology (QR code). As technology is an advanced solution and people are getting used to the application of technology in their lives, KiwiPay has the potential to develop into a global solution.
One more crafting.
BHD’s new app covers all basic needs of movie-goers, in an intuitive and pleasant way. Meaning, users can easily scan screening schedules, view movie details and book tickets online.
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